The [IN]complete ::

Name: Olivier cheah
Age: 17 =)
status: Single
B'day: 10/08/92
School: Northvista Seconday

The forgotten ::

Scream-ed ::

Exits ::

Credits ::

Designer ;

Photoshop CS2

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Im back =D
Hoho, after so long, im finally back to my blog =).

Well, poly life hasn't been that great for me, everything seems like going against me.
i failed my important subject paper, and i guess im going fail another paper (Y)

Lots of project that has minor mistake but is enough to kill me.
Though there is only 2 semester end paper, but heard both of them are killer paper

Lots of unhappy things happen to me in my family
but luckily, im still have my darling with me to console me and listening to me vent!

im sorry for my bad temper this few days
im feeling so stress up, scare that i could not pass and graduate with u at the same time.
i scare that i may just end up as a PHD, *poly halfway dropout*, haix.
maybe im scaring myself, but somehow i do not have the usual confident like i used to have.
i have become more and more discouraged, more and more stress.
let just hope i could get over this period. =(
god bless me. although i have no god to bless me over =/.
the end =)

I blogged at 2:25 AM